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[Atomic] Roadmap Update #2

  • admin 

Happy Thursday, everyone!

The past two weeks have seen continued work on already added roadmap items. Progress have gone according to plan and a release of 1.5.0 will most likely be ready in the beginning of August. Open-Beta builds should start to roll out by the end of this month for all early adopters!

The first item that have progress is additional isotopes. You may have noticed that it has gone from 200+ to 1000+ isotopes. This is a result of us wanting to release a fully-fledged out nuclide table that doesn’t lack anything, both features and data. A sneak-peak and explanation of this table is coming soon!

The second and final item that has progressed is the nuclide table. We have wrapped production on the zoom ability as we are happy with the final version. Minor tweaks might still be done. Furthermore we have started work on different colors for different isotopes depending on their respective decay-type. Their are some minor tweaks for dark-mode left to do and some readability improvements.

Progress Update

  • 1000+ Isotopes (75% completed, from 50%)
  • Nuclide Table (75% completed, from 50%)

Finally, as open beta 3 of Android 12 has been released, so has the stable APIs. We have now targeted the app for SDK 31 (Android 12). API 23 will still be the minimum, so no need to worry about the app not working anynore!

Thanks, Jonatan Lindemann!